Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Traits of an Easy Relationship

These are the traits of the easiest relationship I have ever been in.

Starting the relationship was quick and easy. There were no awkward silences or wayward glances, because we just started making out and that was that.

He had no expectations of me, so my job was very easy: to live in the moment and have fun.

To the public, we didn't appear to be dating, if we appeared in public at all.

We never bought each other food.

We didn’t see each other on Valentine’s Day.

I never told him when I was sad, probably because I rarely was. I was in an easy relationship, for crying out loud! How could I be sad?

I never told him I loved him or trusted him, because I did neither. The feeling was mutual.

He worked full time in a pathetic job, but I didn’t give him crap for it. (That is, not until he thought it would be a good idea to tell an aspiring teacher how worthless he found teaching and learning to be.)

I didn’t buy him a birthday present, because he never invited me.

And, as quickly as it started, it ended, with no dramatic goodbye scene.




And, after it was over, I often wondered why I was ever in such a meaningless relationship.

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